GIT Code of Conduct

GIT Student Code of Conduct

It is important that our classes are a safe and comfortable space for everyone taking part. Treat your fellow classmates with respect, including respecting their personal space and their belongings. Not everyone will be comfortable with physical contact in a scene or a warm up so please be mindful of people’s boundaries.

Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and students may be asked to leave class. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to: using drugs or alcohol during class, causing damage to the venue, and inappropriate verbal, physical or sexual conduct.

We will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or ableism from students in or out of improv scenes.

Please do not use your phone in class, unless for taking notes. Students are asked to support their fellow classmates by not talking during scenes or when a teacher is giving feedback.

If you think that there is anything your teacher needs to know to make you more comfortable or to make any accommodations for you, you can get in touch before the course via email.

You should wear clothes and shoes that you’ll be comfortable moving around in and should bring some water. There is a comfort break in the middle of the class.

If you have concerns that you would like to share with The Glasgow Improv Theatre, please email [email protected]

We recommend speaking to your teacher first if you have any concerns.

We have provided an anonymous report form for anyone who would like to share concerns anonymously:

Please be aware that due to the anonymous nature of this report we are unable to communicate with you.

GIT Performer Code of Conduct

We want all events at The Glasgow Improv Theatre (including classes, workshops, and shows) to be safe and supportive for all attendees.

All individuals who perform at The Glasgow Improv Theatre must respect the personal space, physical boundaries, and belongings of all attendees. We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or ableism in or out of scenes. Performers should treat their fellow performers and audience members with respect on and off stage.

Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and performers may receive warnings or bans. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to: causing damage to the venue, and inappropriate verbal, physical or sexual conduct.

If you have concerns that you would like to share with The Glasgow Improv Theatre, please email [email protected]

We recommend speaking to your teacher or GIT coach first if you have any concerns.

We have provided an anonymous report form for anyone who would like to share concerns anonymously:

Please be aware that due to the anonymous nature of this report we are unable to communicate with you.