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If you are new to improv or need a refresher. Suitable for beginners!
Scene fundamentals, agreement, listening, and playing grounded characters
Graduation show
Pre-requisites: GIT 101 (or equivalent)
Game of the scene, heightening & exploration, 2nd beats
Graduation show
Pre-requisites: GIT 201 (or equivalent)
The Harold, openings, group games
Graduation show
Pre-requisites: GIT 301 (or equivalent)
Advanced techniques, different forms/openings
Graduation show
A no commitment taster session
A chance for futher practice
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Visiting teachers from UCB Los Angeles, New York and elsewhere!
Previous teachers:
Suzi Barrett (UCB Los Angeles)
Casey Feigh (Holy Shit Improv, UCB)
Jake Jabbour (UCB Los Angeles)
Josh Simpson (UCB Los Angeles)
Alan Starzinski (UCB Los Angeles)
Sean Casey (UCB New York)
Johnna Scrabis (UCB New York)
Jonathan Pitts (Chicago Improv Festival)